Celebrate Spring with a cooking class at The Spicy Olive. David Cook is the chef and owner of Daveed’s Catering in Maderia.
David Cook of Daveed’s Catering creates a Spring feast to get you ready for the new season!
Tasting of Daveed’s Secret Red Gravy Sauce and Sweet Chipotle BBQ Sauce
Asparagus Two Ways: Tossed with Spicy Olive Garlic olive oil, Parmigiano Two Ways Over Cracked Bulgar Wheat
Fatty and Skinny BBQ Shrimp, Shaved Brussel Sprouts with a drizzle of The Spicy Olive Smoked Chabaani olive oil
The Spicy Olive’s Strawberry balsamic vinegar with Poached Chicken Breast and Pork Belly potato hash